Abdominal Pain Treatment
Abdominal pain is a common condition that will affect everybody at one point or another. Most cases are caused by indigestion, gas, food sensitivities, and other factors that generally aren’t a cause for concern. There are other cases, however, where abdominal pain is a symptom of more dangerous or life-threatening conditions, such as: appendicitis, gall bladder infection, pancreatitis, aneurysm, diverticulitis, limited blood flow to the intestines, or a bleeding or perforated ulcer.
If you are experiencing abdominal pain, it is important to seek emergency care quickly, especially if the following symptoms are present:
Your pain is a result of trauma, such as a car accident or fall
Your abdomen is swollen or sore to the touch
You are feeling dizzy or short of breath or fainting
You are vomiting blood or experiencing persistent nausea
You are urinating blood or have black/bloody stools
Your pain is accompanied by a fever or chest pain
You’ve had so much vomiting or diarrhea and are dehydrated
Your pain may be a post-surgical complication
Your pain is severe or unrelenting
Your pain is possibly due to a complication of pregnancy

Seek Immediate Emergency Care for Severe Abdominal Pain Symptoms
You should seek immediate emergency care for severe abdominal pain, as prompt diagnosis and treatment can provide relief and prevent complications. Don’t delay seeking care.
Some of the most common causes of severe abdominal pain include pancreatitis, kidney stones, and appendicitis.
One of the most common causes of abdominal pain requiring emergency care is appendicitis. This condition occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed, typically resulting in sharp pain that begins near the navel and shifts to the lower right side of the abdomen. Additional symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and fever. If left untreated, the appendix can rupture, leading to life-threatening complications. It is crucial to seek immediate emergency care if you experience symptoms of appendicitis, as prompt medical attention can prevent serious outcomes.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones can cause excruciating abdominal pain, often in the lower abdomen, side, and back. Nausea and vomiting are also possible, and if the stones cause an infection, you may also develop a fever. When you have kidney stones, urination may be painful, and your urine may be pink, brown, or red from blood in the urinary tract. Kidney stone pain is often so intense that you find it difficult to sit still. At the emergency room, you may receive pain medicine, and if necessary, you may be referred for surgery if the stones are large.
Pancreatitis refers to inflammation of the pancreas. It can be chronic, lasting for years, or acute, which comes on suddenly. Although some cases of pancreatitis are mild, others can be life-threatening. It causes pain in the upper abdomen, often severe, which may radiate to the back, and often gets worse after eating. It can also cause fever, nausea, vomiting, and rapid heart rate. The upper abdomen may also be sensitive to touch. In the long term, you may experience oily stools and may lose weight without trying. Treatments vary, depending on the severity of your symptoms and the type of pancreatitis you have.
Where to Go for Abdominal Pain Treatment?
For prompt abdominal pain treatment from experienced physicians, visit The Emergency Center in San Antonio, Texas. Our fully equipped, freestanding emergency room features the same capabilities as a hospital emergency room (ER), but have shorter wait times and a more peaceful atmosphere than a bustling, overcrowded medical center. Our board-certified emergency medicine physicians, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and ER-trained nurses treat patients of all ages with abdominal pain in a modern, comfortable setting.
How We Handle Abdominal Pain Treatment
As a patient at The Emergency Center, our physicians will carefully evaluate your condition and identify the source of your discomfort. Our facility is equipped with advanced diagnostic technology that allows our physicians to swiftly diagnose and treat patients with abdominal pain or other issues.
Once an accurate diagnosis has been made, you will receive a personalized treatment plan designed to restore your health as quickly and conveniently as possible. Before you leave our facility, you will be provided with an audio recording that explains your diagnosis and at-home care instructions, and a med pack with up to 72 hours of any necessary medications, so you can head straight home and rest.
If you need abdominal pain treatment that’s fast and effective, choose The Emergency Center. Our San Antonio location is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.