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Latest Articles From The Emergency Center
The Emergency Center: No Tricks, Just Treats For Children’s Emergencies!
Need fast care for your little one this Halloween? Our emergency medicine physicians ensure a safe, comforting experience for all pediatric emergencies.
September 25, 2024
Every Kid Active, Every Kid Healthy
San Antonio emergency clinic, The Emergency Center, offers a comprehensive guide to keeping your kids active and fit to avoid long-term health consequences.
April 14, 2021
Seizures & Epilepsy: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Differences
Epilepsy and seizures are common, so It's important to know when to get medical help in Texas. Learn about seizures with The Emergency Center of San Antonio.
March 15, 2021
Sleep Deprivation: Why Not Getting Enough Sleep Is Bad for Your Health
Sleep deprivation leads to serious health issues you shouldn't ignore. The Emergency Center of San Antonio shares tips to sleep better for a healthy lifestyle!
March 11, 2021
COVID-19 Infusion Therapy – Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
Infusion therapy helps to prevent high-risk patients from developing more COVID-19 symptoms. Learn if you qualify for monoclonal antibody therapy in Texas.
February 19, 2021
Covid-19 Update: Spike in Recent Texas Cases & Vaccine Distribution
As a provider of emergent care in Texas, The Emergency Center strives to continue serving as a resource for its patients and the communities we reside in, and to continue to provide accurate,…
January 14, 2021
How To Treat Bronchitis?
In medical terms, it’s usually called ‘acute bronchitis.’ But most people who experience this condition—and millions of Americans each year do—simply call it a ‘chest cold.’ It’s that deep,…
January 7, 2021
Common Strep Throat Symptoms & How To Treat It
Are you dealing with throat pain? Read this article and learn more about what are some common strep throat symptoms and what's the best way to treat it.
December 9, 2020
Eye Injuries: Causes, Care & Treatment
From an early age, most Americans are warned about the potential dangers that any number of activities—from running with scissors to shooting a BB gun—pose to their eyes. This early focus on…
October 27, 2020
Flu, Cold or COVID-19?
With COVID-19 and flu season upon us, many people are wondering what to do if they come down with symptoms of an illness. More to the point, how can they tell if their symptoms are of the flu,…
October 20, 2020
Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Medical Emergencies
There are virtually an unlimited number of illnesses and injuries, each with their own signs, symptoms and potential treatments. What’s the one thing they all have in common? The sooner they are…
September 14, 2020