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Latest Articles From The Emergency Center
Navigating Mental Health Emergencies: How The Emergency Room Can Help
Facing a mental health crisis? Learn how emergency rooms offer immediate intervention and critical support & what to expect during your ER visit for urgent care.
April 16, 2024
Common Winter Injuries
Common winter injuries send people to the Emergency Room every day. Because winter is here, people should consider being extra cautious both inside and outside.
December 13, 2019
Influenza: Dangers, Types & Reasons To Get Vaccinated
Are you feeling symptoms of influenza? Read this blog to learn what are the main complications of influenza and why should you get the flu vaccine every year.
December 6, 2019
What Is The Connection Between Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease?
November is American Diabetes Month. This month, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, a branch of the National Institute of Health (NIH), would like to focus on the…
November 29, 2019
Fall and Winter Illnesses
Summer has come and gone, and people are preparing for winter and fall - and the illnesses that come with them. Many illnesses thrive in the fall and winter, and it is essential to spread awareness…
November 18, 2019
What Is COPD?
While available treatment options have progressed significantly over the years, COPD can often be a severe condition which may require emergency attention.
November 8, 2019
The Most Common Bladder Health Issues
The bladder is a vital organ that serves as a storage space for the filtered urine that transfers from the kidneys. Bladder Health Month is in November, and is a time to become aware of the dangers…
November 5, 2019
Brain Aneurysm
A brain aneurysm is the bulging of an arterial wall in the brain. Also called a cerebral aneurysm, these bulges often go undetected due to the symptoms, which can point toward many other medical…
October 31, 2019
Halloween Safety Tips For Kids & Adults
October is Halloween Safety Month - for obvious reasons! Halloween is supposed to be a fun experience for both kids and adults. For parents, however, Halloween is also a holiday that causes…
October 23, 2019
International Infection Prevention Week Oct. 13-19
This year, the purpose of International Infection Prevention Week is to educate the public about vaccines and how they impact everyone. The theme for the week of October 13th is ‘Vaccines are…
October 14, 2019
What To Bring To The ER?
ER visits can be stressful! When person is injured or sick enough to require immediate medical attention, unexpected variables can make ER visits more complicated. Here are some things that can be…
October 14, 2019