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Latest Articles From The Emergency Center
Upper Respiratory Infection Symptoms: When to Visit the ER?
Dealing with URI symptoms? Learn when upper respiratory infection signs like difficulty breathing and high fever require emergency room care for your safety.
February 26, 2024
FLU Season and Vaccinations
Flu season is here! So, with the spring and summer coming to an end, people needn’t worry about seasonal allergies or West Nile virus until next year.
September 20, 2019
Pediatric Emergencies: When Should You Take Your Child To The ER?
Each year, 25.5 million children under the age of 18 visit the emergency room. While this number is much higher than some may think, children get sick all the time and often need immediate attention…
September 16, 2019
Can Vaping Lead To Lung Problems?
For decades, there has been an ongoing fight against smoking. More so than ever before, smoking is becoming less and less the social norm. Many smokers are now vaping to keep their cravings at bay.…
September 13, 2019
Gym Safety
Everyone knows that exercise is essential to staying strong and fit. Workouts maintain health and push people to be healthier and happier every day. One very effective way to stay in shape is to…
August 30, 2019
Heart Attacks in Women
In recent years, awareness of heart health for women has been gaining attention. Since the signs of a heart attack that pertain to women are often ignored or misdiagnosed, the amount of heart attacks…
August 29, 2019
Gastritis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments
Gastritis is a medical condition resulting from excess inflammation of the stomach lining. The stomach lining is protected by a layer of mucus that prevents stomach acid from tearing away at it.…
August 13, 2019
Prepare Your Sitter for Safety and for Emergencies
Babysitters are just like temporary parents, and that’s why it is essential that they are properly educated about the kids in their custody as well as the house in which they are sitting.
July 29, 2019
Subtle Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore
The symptoms may be mild and temporary, but that doesn’t mean everything is fine. Subtle signs are often ignored but hinting toward a medical emergency. The immune system is quick to respond to any…
July 29, 2019
Cryptosporidiosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Every summer, more and more children and adults alike are exposed to fecal parasites found in pool water. Cryptosporidium, a parasite found in fecal matter, resides in the intestines of infected…
July 15, 2019
Picnic Food Safety for July 4th
Picnics, BBQs and potluck gatherings are staples to summertime. They are great ways for family and friends to celebrate the season as well as each other. However, it is very easy to become too…
July 2, 2019